1.) Undo ‘git add’ for a specific file 📄
Type into terminal:
git reset <file>
This unstages the current file (the stuff listed in ‘git status’) without changing any actual code changes.
2.) OR unstage all files 📂
git reset
This does the same but for all files — so it uncommits them while still keeping the actual changes.
👏 THANKS: I appreciate your claps cause it takes time to write these free articles.
⚠️ 💻 IMPORTANT: If you’re building a webapp or website , it’s important you also think about:
- 🎥 Embedding a Youtube video into your website
2. 👥 Adding a thumbnail for sharing on social media:
3. 🎵 Play Audio on your HTML website
4. ✅ Free resources for images, icons, and more on your website
5. 🖼 Adding an icon to your website tab (HTML, favicon)